Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Moments in time.

 The past few months have been full of life, love, loss.
We have celebrated.
We have grieved.
But never once..........
Did time slow down to allow us to grab hold and hang on.
Moments,  no matter how we treasure them
slip away as the next one slides in place.

I have welcomed a new grandson,
grieved over the loss of a cousin.
Celebrated the joy of my Aunt turning 90!

Spent many nights awake waiting for updates
from a Christian comedian I have never met
simply because I walk with the Lord, believe in prayer
and her precious hubby had had a stroke.
We prayed and prayed and prayed.....
In the end David went home with the Lord.

I have also prayed for an amazing little 7 year old who
just had bone marrow transplant.
Every picture his precious mom posts this child has a wide smile,
the light of the Lord shines through his little face....
As does it with all his family as they go through this together.
 We continue to pray, he is healing.

Tomorrow another grandson begins a whole new
adventure: kindergarten.
His mommy will put him on the bus with his older brother and off he goes......
Out in the world.
Wasn't it just yesterday she brought him home?

I hold my newest grandson and his fingers curl around mine.
I look at his face and thank the Lord.
Yet, wasn't it just yesterday I did the same when I held his daddy?

I am so glad that I have the Lord to hold me close.
As the moments keep marching by in my life.

I met my hubby later in life and in less than a month
we celebrate our 20th anniversary.
There is an 8 year difference between us.
He will be 76 later this month.
So many, many moments of life we have seen together in these years.
We both came from a place that left us broken and fragile.
Together with the Lord we built beauty from the ashes.
HE is our strength.

Yes, I am in a melancholy mood tonight.
Playing around with my photography.
Just because I feel the urge to remind myself and you,
how fragile life really is.
How good the Lord is through all the moments of our lives.
How prayer and praise weaved through the fabric of our days
brings comfort, strength, surrender to HIM.

I close by dedicating this to my hubby, Terry.

If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty except for the memory
Of how they were answered by you
 Jim Croce, lyrics from Time in a bottle.

From my heart to yours,
may your moments be blessed.

This originally was linked with Spiritual Sundays  about 9 months ago.  My youngest grandson will be a year old next month.
My hubby has macular degeneration and a torn retina.
This has been a beautiful time with the Lord because for more reasons than my hubby's
vision issue, I am at a place where all I can do is "wait on Him".
While I wait, I seek out even more beauty, common beauty, beauty in nature,
inspiration with my Nikon.
I just read this over tonight and read the words to the song, Time in a bottle.
Oh how I wish I could bottle up time so it won't slip away........
No one can do that.
All I can do is live each day in grace bestowed on me from Him.

I have asked him to teach me to wait on Him with a grateful heart
and a mouth full of praise
and a life of grace that glorifies Him.
He can give him strength through this.
He can do anything, anytime.
I stay open to possibilities and close to the Lord.
How great Thou art!


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed your inspiring words, written so well. Life is so uncertain, and without God how hopeless we would all be. Thanks for sharing your heart. It ministered to mine, and congratulations to you and your husband. Finding love later in life isn't easy. Blessings to you both.

  2. I'm sorry for your loss and rejoicing in your new birth. There's a time for everything, Solomon said. I've never heard of the song for your husband but the words are beautiful. Have a Sabbath warmed by the SON!

  3. Beautiful post, thanks for sharing


If my photos have touched you in a special way, I would love to have you share with me in the comments. Also, if you have a prayer request you wish to share I would be honored to add it to my prayer list.
From my heart to yours I so hope your visit today has been blessed.