Thursday, June 12, 2014

We shall behold Him!

28 years ago tonight, I lost my hearing at 39.
BOR syndrome was the cause.  A syndrome I had no clue I carried inside me and passed on
to my daughter.
In fact, it was years into deafness, looking for a way to help her not loose her hearing too,
 that I came across
research that lead me to BOR.
Following deafness, my heart continued to shatter over the period of several years as
other parts of my life crumbled.
However, the one constant in my life through it all was Jesus Christ.
 So today, with so much joy in my heart.
I thank the Lord for deafness, for making me exactly as I am.
More importantly, for allowing everything I have gone through.
It deepened my love for my Lord.
That, my beautiful friends is worth it all!
We shall behold Him
Face to Face
In all His glory
We shall behold Him!
From my heart to yours, may your day be blessed.
**In 1999 I was implanted with the cochlear implant with has given me about 50% ability to hear, almost normally one to one in quiet environments.
Socially, digital phones, public address system are difficult to the point of not being part of
my life because the words are just garbled noise.  My CI picks up the loudest sound.
CI's have come a long way to meet the technology in our world today.
However, I have no regret for having been implanted in 1999 after 13 years of total deafness.
I believe every day is a gift from Him.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful story Lynn, thank you for having such a sensitive heart.


If my photos have touched you in a special way, I would love to have you share with me in the comments. Also, if you have a prayer request you wish to share I would be honored to add it to my prayer list.
From my heart to yours I so hope your visit today has been blessed.