Sunday, February 15, 2015

Finding what you look for

I am a very passionate photographer
I easily forget everything around me except what I see through my lens.

I see the glory of the Lord in nature,
especially when the scene is back lite.
Back lighting is when the sun is flooding your subject from the back.
In nature, it reveals marvelous inner workings.

I see it as the Lord turning His spotlight on the heart,

From my heart to yours, may your Sunday be blessed with the love of His light in your life.


  1. Hello! Thank you for the lovely comment. Will stop over this week and see you. Be blessed!


If my photos have touched you in a special way, I would love to have you share with me in the comments. Also, if you have a prayer request you wish to share I would be honored to add it to my prayer list.
From my heart to yours I so hope your visit today has been blessed.